High Quality Early Learning & Child Care


Enrichment Programs


KinderAcademy For Young Scholars Enrichment Programs are supplemental educational sessions that boost your child's skill in math, reading and other important learning areas.

Give your child every advantage with our exclusive Learning Enrichment Programs, supplemental educational opportunities that complement our core curriculum.

We offer a unique series of programs with coursework in reading, music, or a foreign language that you will not find at other early childhood centers.

With small class sizes, personalized experiences, and individual attention, your child can quickly gain new skills in important areas that are vital for future success in school and life

* Dance, Laugh, Learn

* Computer skills

*Art Therapy

*Beginning Spanish

*Phonics 4 Fun

Dance, Laugh and Learn

Dance, Laugh, Learn. combines music, dance, and theatre with proven methods in childhood development aimed at sparking a child’s creativity and establishing an early love for the arts. Music is a fun and powerful avenue for learning. Children can develop language skills, learn about nature, colors and different cultures through song. Research shows that music makes your child a better learner. Music and movement instruction improves children's memory, cognitive development, learning skills and expressive ability. Dance, Laugh, Learn. programs are designed to give children the opportunity to express creativity, expand the imagination, strengthen communication abilities, and cultivate social skills through the use of the performing arts. All Dance, Laugh, Learn. classes are educational and process based.

Computer Skills

Basic computer skills such as knowing the keyboard & meeting the mouse & computer literacy skills using developmentally appropriate computer programs to reinforce learning.

Art Therapy

An art-based class dedicated to hands-on creative experiences and artistic expression. Exposure to various art materials and the process of creative expression, allowing them to make connections to the world around them through visual references: color, shape, size, pattern, line, composition.  

Beginning Spanish 

 As a parent you want the best for your child the right schools, the right friends, the best education money can buy-every advantage life has to offer. Did you know that competency in a second language gives children a competitive edge, not only now but throughout the rest of their lives? we offer children the opportunity to learn Spanish through age-appropriate activities. Children's brain are like sponges, their learning potential is endless, we will teach children common Spanish vocabulary such as colors, foods, body parts, etc. your child will be well on its way to beginning a wonderful bilingual journey!

Sign Language

Research shows that sign language hastens speech development.

*Enhances brain activity & brain functions.

*Enhances fine motor coordination

*Enhances & increases children's vocabulary and reading skills.

*Raises awareness of diversity

*Helps infants & toddlers communicate their preverbal wants & needs

That is why here at KinderCare Academy we are pleased to include sign language as part of our enrichment program.

Phonics 4 Fun

Set your child up for advanced success with literacy through phonics, the study of letters and sounds. Reader books, games and activity cards help your child understand the basics of vowels and blending syllables, giving him confidence and command of language. Phonics 4 Fun is a comprehensive Phonemic based literacy program that embraces the active world of a 3–5-year-old as it targets the unique early reading strategies of this young age group.























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